27 Jan 2021 | by Captain Joe


Whether you're in charge of hosting a corporate event, a family get-together, or a small house party for your friends and loved ones, there are plenty of ways to reduce the impact of the event on the environment. Weddings, receptions, engagement parties, and corporate events are notorious for the tons of waste they generate.

If you’re wondering whether you can cut down on the wastes and do your bit for the planet, then we’ve got great news for you. Going green or hosting an eco-friendly event is not as challenging as you imagine it to be. With just a bit of fore-planning and thinking ahead, you can organise a 100% environmentally-friendly event.

Going green not only helps you cut down wastes but is an excellent opportunity to increase awareness among your attendees. You may even inspire others to follow suit. So, what are you waiting for? Start planning an eco-friendly event with our helpful sustainability tips.

#1: Hire the Right Partners


Hiring the right vendors for your event makes a world of difference. If you're looking to host an eco-friendly event, then you'll have to work with other sustainable vendors. Suppose your caterer is not willing to cut down single-use plastics. In that case, it becomes challenging to meet your sustainability targets. To avoid arguments and disruptions down the line, start by planning the even with the right partners.

When you contact potential vendors: caterers, venue owners, stage decorators, etc., make sure to check with them if they can go eco-friendly.

At Captain Joe, as a customer-friendly caterer in Gurgaon, our top priority is helping our customers create their dream event. So, if you're looking for an eco-friendly caterer in Gurgaon, we can help you out. Instead of single-use plastics, we can serve your meals in sustainable packing options like areca plates, cardboard boxes, wooden cutlery, decomposable tumblers, paper straws, and more. Get in touch with our team to know more about sustainable catering options in Gurgaon.

#2: Use Natural Lighting Wherever Possible


When you start planning a green event, the first thing you’ll have to consider is the venue. Choosing an eco-friendly event will give you the right start. Look for an outdoor space with plenty of trees and ample shade. This way, you can cut down on the air-conditioning and lighting costs and save tons of electricity.

An alternative and unique way are to decorate the venue with soy candles to give it mood lighting without relying on fancy electrical lighting. Ensure that you install a shamiana (outdoor tent) to provide your guests protection from the weather.

If an outdoor event is not possible, the next best choice is to look for an indoor venue with numerous windows and ample natural lighting. This helps you cut down on the lighting costs.

#3: Keep it Close


If you're willing to go the extra mile to make the event green, then you need to ensure that your guests do not travel long distances to reach the venue. Organising the event within city limits reduces your carbon footprint as guests do not have to travel long distances. Wherever possible, arrange group transportation for your guests so that not many vehicles are used.

Alternatively, you can arrange electric (battery-operated) buggies to transport guests from a common meeting point to the venue, further lowering your event's carbon footprint.

#4: Remove Potential Wastes


There are plenty of ways to cut down wastes generated at the event without impacting the guest experience. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Always choose digital invites. A paper invite may look fancy, but you have to remember that it’ll be tossed in the wastepaper basket eventually. So, the best choice here is to send digital invites.
  • If it's a small event, you can create a Whatsapp group and include all attendees. You can use this group to communicate information about the event like date, venue, time, dress code (if any), etc. You can also send reminders to guests so that they don't miss out on the big day.
  • If it's a big event like a wedding or corporate gala, you can create a website/social media account specifically for the event and share it with your guests. Publish updates about the event on the site/social media page. This is a great way to create anticipation for the event. Provide guests with a hashtag that they can use to share event photos.
  • Instead of handing out individual plastic water bottles, set up pitchers around the venue to keep guests hydrated. Place glasses or decomposable cups near the pitchers so that guests can drink water whenever they feel thirsty.

#5: Opt for Green Catering


Green catering doesn't mean its bland catering. You can still serve delicious food and drinks while keeping your event eco-friendly. Here are a few tips to help you out:

  • Opt for biodegradable plates, tumblers, cutlery, and straws. If you're worried that it'll spoil the look of the event, no worries. Today, there are numerous green-cutlery that are stylish and eco-friendly.
  • Opt for buffet catering. This way, guests take only what they need on their plates.
  • Stick posters around the venue, reminding guests of the eco-friendly nature of the event. Encourage them to avoid food wastage.
  • Set up clearly labelled recycling stations around the venue. This way, guests know where to discard the wastes.
  • Check with your caterer to see if they have any solution for leftovers. At Captain Joe, the best caterers in Gurgaon, we offer to pack leftover food in boxes for guests to take home. Alternatively, we can also donate the leftover food to any charity in Gurgaon of your choice.

An eco-friendly event is an excellent way to positively impact the environment and give back to Mother Earth. Show your green side by hosting an eco-friendly event in Gurgaon in 2021. Set the trend and let others take inspiration from you. If you need any help in organising an eco-friendly event in Gurgaon, get in touch with our team at Captain Joe. We can help in keeping the event as sustainable as possible.

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