07 Aug 2020 | by Captain Joe


You can help others, even while you’re social distancing.

The Coronavirus pandemic has made us feel helpless. The majority of us are stuck at home, with no end date for the pandemic in sight. It's a challenging and depressing situation. But, there's light at the end of the tunnel. With several clinical trials for the vaccine underway nationally and internationally, we can hope that this virus will leave our lives soon.

During these challenging times, the best we can do – is to be there for each other. And, when you help others, you're helping yourself. Several studies indicate that volunteering and giving back to the community makes us healthier and happier. It's easy to feel isolated and depressed when you cannot meet with others beyond your immediate family. Fostering your ties with the community will help you lower anxiety, stress while elevating your mood. It gives you a sense of purpose during these difficult times.

How can you be there for each other when we can't be near each other? In this article, Captain Joe, the best caterers in Gurgaon, shares a few ways to give back to our community, even while we're socially distanced.

1. Start by Reaching out to your Neighbours


The easiest way to volunteer during these difficult times is by reaching out to our immediate community – co-workers, friends, neighbors, and employees. Even a simple video call with a friend who is in quarantine can instantly make your friend feel better.

It may seem like a minor gesture, but don't underestimate the power of checking up on your elderly neighbors. See if they need any help purchasing groceries. Volunteer to go on errands for them. You can leave the grocery bags outside their doors so that you don't pass the infection.

Connecting with others is one of the best ways to give back during these challenging times. The act of sharing and contacting others can help you reduce your anxieties, as well.

2. Make a Monetary Donation


The most significant side-effect of the Coronavirus pandemic is the economic crisis we're facing now. A large number of people have lost their jobs or have their paychecks reduced significantly. If you're one among the fortunate few, who hasn't faced a pay cut, you can consider donating to an organization working at the grassroots. Find a charity that you trust and donate it.

3. Support Local Businesses


Local businesses across sectors are facing a significant cash crunch right now. You can help them stay afloat by ordering or purchasing from them. This is a great way to show your support without spending extra money.

4. Make Donations beyond Money

There are several other ways that you can show your support without spending money.

Volunteer Food


With several people out of work, there is a massive demand for food supplies – especially among the economically weaker sections of society. Donate a month's supply of groceries to families that are struggling to make ends meet. For instance, you can reach out to your domestic help and ask her if she needs help purchasing groceries for her family.

Donate PPE


Even today, several healthcare workers, sanitary workers, and other frontline workers do not have access to PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). If you have some PPE to spare, you can donate it to those who need it most. Besides PPE, you can also give other critical supplies like – hand wash, sanitizers, paper towels, bleach, etc.

Donate Smartphone or Laptops


Today, the vast majority of schools and colleges have started classes online. But, this is a massive drawback for students belonging to economically weaker families. If you have an old smartphone, an extra laptop or desktop that you don't use anymore, you can give it to children who don't have access to it. See if any family that you know requires internet access. Pay the internet bills of a family that deserves it for the next few months, till things go back to normal.

Volunteer your Skills


There is no limit in the ways you can help out. For instance, if you are skilled at sewing, gather a few of your friends and volunteer to make masks and distribute it for free. Similarly, if you notice a child from a socially disadvantaged background struggling with online classes, volunteer to set up digital learning for him/her.

If you're good at web designing or social media, you can volunteer to help a struggling local business set up their website and accept orders online. It doesn't matter whether you're contributing to an essential or non-essential service. Any help goes a long way. You can set up a virtual book reading club to dispel the mental loneliness of older folks.

Do your Bit, by Flattening the Curve


Even if you don’t volunteer actively, you can still do your part by staying at home. Order online, avoid going out unless necessary. By practicing social distancing, you’re flattening the curve, thereby avoiding overwhelming the healthcare system. So, before putting the mask on others, wear your mask – both literally and figuratively!

Listen to the Needs of your Community


As the pandemic changes course, so will the volunteering. So, listen to the community's needs and continue giving back to your community, not just today, but tomorrow and forever. After all, we are all in this together.

What is Captain Joe doing during these Challenging Times?

As the leading caterers in Gurgaon, at Captain Joe, we are dedicated to giving back to our community every step of the way. We believe that the best we can do during these challenging times is by ensuring that our clients get access to hygienic and healthy meals. We have revamped our safety practices and catering plan to meet the demands of the post-COVID-19 world. We also have retained our entire team during these challenging times. We request you to help us keep our business afloat by booking us for your next party. Get started with caterers in Gurgaon - Captain Joe by planning your party meals online.

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